Download for Offline Use

If you’d like to share our videos with others who have limited or no internet, or just want to have the videos available offline, we have a few solutions for you:

  1. The most convenient option is a torrent. We have three torrent options: 1) 480p resolution, which is great for phones, 2) 720p resolution, which is great for small tablets, and 3) 1080p resolution, which is great for high definition computer or TV screens. Each of these torrents will download all of the first 100 video lessons with one click (soon to be updated to include more lessons). If you’re unfamiliar with torrents, you can learn here. We recommend using this free, open-source torrent program for your computer, and this free app for your phone.. Keep in mind that when you install any torrent client, Windows will block the installation by default and flag it as a “potentially unwanted program” even though it’s completely safe. Follow these instructions to make the installation work.

    Select a torrent option below if you have a torrent client/downloader already:

    1080p magnet (44.3 GB) 🧲
    720p magnet (23.8 GB) 🧲
    480p magnet (13.6 GB) 🧲

    If you have trouble playing any movie files, please try the default Windows Movies app instead of VLC player. If you can, please help us seed the torrents to provide more bandwidth!

  2. This free, safe program allows you to download our entire YouTube playlists with one click. If that doesn’t work, it should at least allow you to download our videos one at a time.
  3. You can download our videos one by one on Lets.Church.