Why YouTube?
It's the Crossroads of the World
That’s how many users YouTube has – that’s one-third of the global internet. And it’s growing fast. If we want to reach the corners of the world, YouTube is it. 70% of the world’s cultures are oral, which means they gravitate towards audio-visual learning, rather than text-based education. YouTube is the perfect platform for that. God has given us the technology to meet people where they are, and at an unprecedented scale.

“Israel was the most public piece of real estate in the ancient world, and God put people on the crossroads so they would discover Israel’s God. As people of God today, we’re supposed to live on the crossroads of life.” -Ray Vander Laan.
In this new technological age we have an exciting opportunity to be a voice in the new global crossroads: YouTube. Without having to travel or pay money, we can “be a blessing” to the nations and make famous the name of our God through this unprecedented platform. Even in obscure developing countries people actively use YouTube more than any other website. Over half of users use it to learn new things. And there’s more!
- YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine and second most visited site after Google. And Google favors it in its searches, so that when people want to learn something new, YouTube results are prioritized.
- The world watches over 1 billion hours of YouTube videos a day, more than Netflix and Facebook video combined. People are going to watch something, which is why we want to provide good options.
- 500 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute. We believe that we should contribute uploads that are salt and light.
- YouTube has launched local versions in more than 100 countries.
- You can navigate YouTube in a total of 80 different languages.
- 6 out of 10 people prefer online video platforms to live TV.
- In 2015, 18-49 year-olds spent 4% less time watching TV while time on YouTube went up 74%.
- On mobile alone, YouTube reaches more 18-49 year-olds than any broadcast or cable TV network.
- 81% of US parents use YouTube to find content for their children. So we want those kids to have the option to learn Hebrew.
So please join us in prayer as we seek to equip the global Church with Hebrew within this crucial digital arena, for the glory of God, and for their joy!